4. What information and metrics need to be included in the transparency report?

The TCO Regulation explains in Article 7.3 the minimum requirements for transparency reports, i.e. precisely what needs to be included to comply with this EU law. We present these requirements in a checklist below:

Checklist 1

Information on what measures has the HSP taken: Completed
To identify terrorist content;
To the removal or disabling of terrorist content;
To prevent the reappearance and reuploading of previously blocked online materials (this is particularly relevant when automated procedures are in use).

Checklist 2

Metrics and, if applicable, additional information concerning the number of: Completed
Removed items that include terrorist content (based on removal orders or other measures);
Removal orders that were not actioned and additional information on why this was not the case;
Complaints handled by the HSP through the complaint mechanism, as well as additional information on the outcome of the complaints;
Cases in which the HSP restored the content following the complaint of the content provider;
Legal proceedings initiated by the HSP and additional information on the outcome of these;
Cases in which the HSP has had to restore content following legal proceedings.